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By October 17, 2024, the EU's so-called 'NIS2 directive' on cybersecurity must be implemented in Danish legislation. And on October 18, 2024, authorities must apply and enforce the mentioned national regulations and laws. Companies that have implemented the ISO27001 standard can relatively easily expand it to meet the NIS2 requirements, but it also places specific demands on new projects that can be challenging to oversee. For Hans Følsgaard A/S CEO Bent Madsen, this year's hi-messe was a perfect opportunity to engage with customers about the consequences but also the opportunities that the legislation will bring about.
"Our expertise is broadly distributed across our five customer segments: energy supply, sustainable energy, telecommunications, cable business, and, of course, the general automation area that, in a way, ties it all together," says Bent Madsen, continuing: "What I would like to emphasize is that we continuously improve the skills of our employees and enable them, to an even greater extent, to assume an advisory and partner role in projects that can greatly help the customer find a good solution to the challenges, especially in cybersecurity and the NIS2 directive that they face."
Innovation Lab brings experts into play
As part of the solution to the challenges customers may encounter with the new directive, Hans Følsgaard leverages the best competencies. "For example, we have implemented an Innovation Lab where relevant experts can delve into the customer's problem. It can involve proposals for monitoring the customer's physical infrastructure, such as signal cabinets in railway environments, where we are experts in implementing the latest IoT sensor solutions with accompanying 'smart' monitoring, so there is a response to real attempts to compromise their systems." "Not long ago, we all saw what happened with the gas pipeline in the sea near Bornholm. It has highlighted the need for securing physical infrastructure. Therefore, we have high expectations for the development of NIS2 solutions, where customers do not just perceive them as burdensome requirements but truly experience that they represent real potential."
Sustainability is mandatory
"Another theme that is really gaining traction right now is sustainability issues. In our Innovation Lab, we have the right competencies to assist with customers' desire to use recycled materials in various applications to reduce the carbon footprint. There are also legal requirements to collect data and work on this issue," says Bent Madsen, continuing: "In general, data collection and AI, where we monitor everything from older CNC machines to trash cans to water levels in wells with sensors, is an area where we are constantly evolving our range and skills." "The golden conclusion of the hi' 23 fair must therefore be that NIS2 and the entire sustainability field will be primary drivers in the market going forward and until we are here again in two years," concludes the CEO.