As part of continuous focus on gender equality, we aim to recruit a higher percentage of women in managerial roles, although we always hire the most suitable candidate for the job. Gender diversity is one of the keys to having more innovative and creative teams and greater employee satisfaction.

We want to attract and retain talented people and it is essential to us that our employees thrive, while helping foster new innovative and creative ideas. By simply avoiding stereotypical masculine words and phrases in our job adverts and focusing on different aspects of working at Følsgaard, we aim to attract a more diverse mix of candidates.

Our employee network called AddQ is a community for women that empowers women in the organisation.


Gender equality in % in management team


As part of the European Climate Act, the EU must become climate neutral by 2050. Følsgaard has a goal of achieving climate neutrality already by 2030. Our greatest impact comes from freight transport (scope 3), which is why we are focusing on making our transport more efficient and switching to more CO2-efficient alternatives. To reduce emissions from our own production and operations (scopes 1 and 2), we promote vehicle upgrades, energy efficiency and currently use renewable energy sources. We report our climate data annually to the CDP and use the TCFD framework to perform climate risk analyses and climate scenario analyses.

In December 2022, our group signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an international initiative with more than 4,000 enterprises committed to reducing their CO2 emissions.

The commitment will further increase the focus on reducing overall CO2 emissions from all enterprises in the group

CO2 mål

Consumed energi CO2

(Scope 2)


Combustion of fuels CO2

(Scope 1)


TOT Gods Transport CO2

(Scope 3)


Business travel - air

(Scope 3)


Business travel - car

(Scope 1)


Business travel - train

(Scope 3)


2020      59,2




