Conflict Minerals
Følsgaard works to ensure that our products do not contain conflict minerals (3TG) derived from mines that support or finance conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo or neighbouring countries.
Følsgaard does not buy 3TG minerals directly from mines or plants. (Currently: columbite tantalite (coltan, nobium and tantalum), cassiterite (tin), gold and tungsten (tungsten) and their derived minerals, which are mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and in adjacent countries, are defined in HR 4173, Wall Street Reform and the Consumer Protection Act Dodd Frank Section 1502, covered by the 3TG.)
Følsgaard requires that all our suppliers comply with the Dodd-Frank Regulation and that they are able to submit all necessary declarations upon request.
Thus, Følsgaard requires all suppliers to provide conflict minerals declarations using the CMRT "Conflict Minerals Reporting Template" or otherwise declare that they will conduct "due diligence" for conflict minerals.
Følsgaard's suppliers' willingness to comply with this initiative will be a decisive factor in our procurement decision